Kubernetes 라는 컨테이너 가상화를 통합 관리하는 오픈소스 툴이 있습니다. 저도 아주 관심있게 지켜보고 뭔가 솔루션화를 시켜볼까 생각 중인 툴이구요 ^^ 테크크런치가 전한 소식에 따르면 유럽에 위치한 Kubernetic 이라는 회사에서 이를 통합 서비스해주는 서비스 허브를 오픈했다는군요. K8s라고 약자로 자주 불리는 Kubernetes는 구글이 자체 플랫폼 관리를 위해 개발해서 사용하다 오픈소스화 시킨 프로젝트랍니다.
As Kubernetes and cloud-native technologies proliferate, developers and IT have found a growing set of technical challenges they need to address, and new concepts and projects have popped up to deal with them. For instance, operators provide a way to package, deploy and manage your cloud-native application in an automated way. Kubermatic wants to take that concept a step further, and today the German startup announced KubeCarrier, a new open-source, cloud-native service management hub.
Kubermatic co-founder Sebastian Scheele says three or four years ago, the cloud-native community needed to solve a bunch of technical problems around deploying Kubernetes clusters, such as overlay networking, service meshes and authentication. He sees a similar set of problems arising today where developers need more tools to manage the growing complexity of running Kubernetes clusters at scale.
Kubermatic has developed KubeCarrier to help solve one aspect of this. “What we’re currently focusing on is how to provision and manage workloads across multiple clusters, and how IT organizations can have a service hub where they can provide those services to their organizations in a centralized way,” Scheele explained.
위에 진하게 표시된 부분이 서비스의 핵심입니다. 수많은 클러스터를 배포/관리하고, 이러한 서비스를 중앙 집중적 관리 방식에 따라 조직 또는 고객에게 제공하는 것이죠. 일반적인 서버 가상화는 OS 수준에서 가상화를 구현하는 반면, 컨테이너 가상화는 Application 수준에서 가상화를 구현하기 때문에 훨씬 서버 및 네트워크 자원을 절약할 수 있는 장점이 있습니다. 컨테이너 가상화는 대부분 도커(Docker) 패키지를 기반으로 구현한답니다.
Scheele says that KubeCarrier provides a way to manage and implement all of this, giving organizations much greater flexibility beyond purely managing Kubernetes. While he sees organizations with lots of Kubernetes operators, he says that as he sees it, it doesn’t stop there. “We have lots of Kubernetes operators now, but how do we manage them, especially when there are multiple operators, [along with] the services they are provisioning,” he asked.
This could involve provisioning something like Database as a Service inside the organization or for external customers, while combining or provisioning multiple services, which are working on multiple levels and a need a way to communicate with each other.
“That is where KubeCarrier comes in. Now, we can help our customers to build this kind of automation around provisioning, and service capability so that different teams can provide different services inside the organization or to external customers,” he said.
As the company explains it, “KubeCarrier addresses these complexities by harnessing the Kubernetes API and Operators into a central framework allowing enterprises and service providers to deliver cloud native service management from one multi-cloud, multi-cluster hub.”
KubeCarrier is available on GitHub, and Scheele says the company is hoping to get feedback from the community about how to improve it. In parallel, the company is looking for ways to incorporate this technology into its commercial offerings, and that should be available in the next 3-6 months, he said.
관심 있으신 분들은 GitHub 방문하셔서 한번씩 사용해보시기 바랍니다. 복잡한 Kubernetes 통합 관리를 비교적 쉽게 구현하는 것으로 보여지네요.